VitalsI was in a bad spot with spinal stenosis and two bulged disc that was causing me a lot of pain . I didn't want surgery but really had no choice. I wanted the best person I could find using the newest techniques to get the very best result I could get since I only have one spine, right . I did research on Dr. Don y. Park and was very impressed . The very best training using the newest cutting edge techniques and trained at Stanford . Dr. Park was very friendly and made me feel at ease and also I felt confidence in him . He was very open to explaining to me what my problem was and what could be done to correct the problem and give me the very best outcome . I went from scared to death to excited to have the surgery . I really didn't think life would ever be the same but things are coming together great . And I feel lucky that I found Dr. Park . He's not only a great surgeon , but a friendly guy who makes you feel safe and in good hands and you really have to admire that when you are in this situation.